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Neuroplasticity and Visualization

Bertrand Legault be healthy

Many, like Dr Lipton, Joe Dispenza and others, quote the Hebbian Theory that says that "Neurons that fire together, wire together."  Some techniques combine a meditation that frees you from the mind and the "person" and brings you into the "space of infinite possibilities" before visualizing what you desire and bringing it into reality.

I invite you to do more research on the concepts of Manifestation, Law of attraction, or Quantum Physics Neuroscience.

Visualization is also being used in sports.  A NY Times articles mentions that "Visualization has long been a part of elite sports. Al Oerter, a four-time Olympic discus champion, and the tennis star Billie Jean King were among those using it in the 1960s." [1]

A scientific study showed that "MP [mental piano practice] alone allowed a level of
proficiency between 40% and 60% of that achieved by PP [physical piano practice]." [2]

A friend of mine, who has serious mobility issues, has been practicing the technique described below for a few weeks only and has observed significantly-increased equilibrium and abilities to dance, whereas even walking was generally challenging before.

  • meditation to calm the mind
  • watching videos of professional ballet dancers


Here are various links to content that may be of interest to you.  Again, open your heart, feel the inspiration and follow your own path.



[1] Olympians Use Imagery as Mental Training
by Christopher Clarey, Feb. 22, 2014

[2] Mental Practice in Music Memorization: an Ecological-Empirical Study, N.F. Bernardi & al, from University for Music, Theatre and Media, Hannover,
Germany & Milano-Bicocca University, Milano, Italy, published in: 
Music Perception, VOLUME 30, ISSUE 3, PP. 275–290, ISSN 0730-7829, Electronic ISSN 1533-8312. © 2013
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